Sunday, April 02, 2006

Nikon - Stonington

Boats and water again

My thoughts for today is life is tough and the storms are many but Id go through all of them in a New York minute again if it brought me closer to the Lord. As I encounter some adventures and bumps on the road I want to be on that boat not afraid of the storms, but embracing them knowing I will get through them with the Lord carrying me. And eventually, even now I want to walk on water. Status quo just wont do it for me. Status quo is staying on the shore picking up sea shells. My quote for today is by Van Gogh.
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore."
Vincent Van Gogh
I'd venture today say that many of us are still ashore. Get on the boat and ride the waves. Get on the boat and live. No more status quo


the words to a Jennifer Knapp song

From glass alabaster she poured out the depths of her soul
O foot of Christ would you wait if her harlotries known?
Falls a tear to darken the dirt
Of humblest offerings to forgive the hurt
She is strong enough to stand in Your love
I can hear her say....

I'm weak, I'm poor
I'm broken, Lord
But I'm yours
Hold me now, hold me now

Let he without sin cast the first stone if you will
To say that my bride isn't worth
Half the blood that I've spilled
Point your finger and laugh if you choose
To say my beloved is borrowed and used
She is strong enough to stand in My love
I can hear her say....

I'm weak, I'm poor
I'm broken, Lord
But I'm yours
Hold me now, hold me now