Thursday, July 04, 2013

Today we celebrate here in the States the of 4th July.  We celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  What an amazing day that must have been for the Men who fought so hard for freedom.  Today I am thankful that I have that freedom that was given to me by men who had the dream to be free.
oday we celebrate here in the States the 4
There is another freedom I have experienced that I want to write about today.  The freedom I have in being an Entrepreneur.   Unlike the battles that took place in the 1770’s, my battle was silent.  There was the fear, the naysayers and the ego and I won!  Now I am free!  Here are couple tangible things that this newfound freedom has brought me.
1.  I have the freedom in doing what I love to do.  I am doing what I’m passionate about.  Plus as a real number one bonus I am helping others.  That is really what I love doing.  In working in the social media field I get to do what I love and establish relationships.  I believe you can’t be free unless you are truly doing what you love!  How about you are you doing what you love?
2.  I have the freedom of flexibility!  This is great because I’m not locked into a 9 to 5 job.  Now I want you hear what I’m not say here. This does not mean that you don’t work hard and play all day!  It means you have the flexibility to work however you choose to and where ever you choose to.  You are not locked in!  You can go to tradeshows and networking events whenever because you don’t have to ask for time off.  Wouldn’t you like to have that flexibility in your life?
3.  I have freedom over my life and job!  Flexibility is great but control over your life and job is what really matters.  Now I know that this does not mean we can control everything that happens in life and in our jobs but as an entrepreneur we can control some things like where we go, who we do it with, what hours are we working today, all the decisions in creativity, sales, fun and who we work with.  We cannot control the outcome but we can control the activity that has an outcome. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of control in your life?
4. Lastly, a bit of ego satisfaction, because there is nothing like walking into a room of my peers and sharing what I do.  There is nothing like belonging to a BNI and getting a referral.  There is nothing like speaking at a networking event.  See sometimes that ego keeps you from freedom.  When you are doing what you want to do and moving forward, the ego adapts and you satisfy it.  How about you, how do you feel about what you do?  Are you satisfied?

Most of you who read this are already entrepreneurs, so I would love to hear from you about what other freedoms you have discovered in your business.   Make a comment below!