Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just Yesterday!
(Oh it seems so far away)

Just yesterday the weather was so beautiful and I so enjoyed it.
Just yesterday it was a typical New England Beach day. Just yesterday I was walking on the beach with the water glimmering in the sunshine.

Just yesterday I was pondering the the way things should always be. Just yesterday the things were the way they should be. Just yesterday I was everything I could be, and everything I wanted to be. Just yesterday I facedown with my thoughts of a creator and maker.

Just yesterday, oh it's so far away. Just yesterday, oh how I wish I could have it back.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pink Sky
There is something amazing about a sky that is highlighted and pigmented in pink and in purples. Somewhere in this fall sky is a beautiful painting. And I think I have found it. God's Masterpiece!
Does not get much better than this. Thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Amazing Man!

Happy Birthday to the most amazing man. He is awesome! Now I'm not talking about the little guy in gray Tyler, but I'm talking about that big muscular, hot Italian in whom I love so much. And the cool thing he is getting closer to 50 befor me. Every night I get this very great sounding cello concert in my home. What else could I possibly ask for. Bill thanks for being an inspiration to me! I love you!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today I can't help but wonder about how many times lines are drawn, how much we live by them. The above picture is from a Marching Band Field Show where the drum major is guiding the band beat. But the band member is not only supposed to be in the beat but they are supposed to be near or on certain lines, imagined or unimagined on the field. Below is my son at one of his starting points.
So where is this all leading. It's leading to lines I've drawn in life, lines because of hurts, disappointment, and unanswered prayer. Lines that I've drawn out of protection, withdrawel and silence. Lines I no longer want to cross because of the disapointment hurt and sorrow. And in all this somewhere is a God in whom scripture says has unfailing love and compassion.

Have I ever drawn a line with God? Have you? You can go here Lord, but don't cross the line? I can't let you cross this line Lord because before you allowed this to happen so I don't want to allow you into this space again because I'm disappointed.

In this bible study Sacred Echoes I'm doing Margaret Feinberg talks about how she hears God quietly saying "Bring them to Me" and "You are not Alone". And as I studied this portion I have some lines I've drawn. And in the past I realized that when I drew them I became isolated and silent. But He has always drawn me in. I learned that in the tough times, when things don't go well and it seems like God isn't there or uninvolved to tell it to Him. He may not answer the way you like and you know what, it may even get worse forever but He wants us to talk about it with Him. Why because it takes the focus off me. And I know that when I draw those uncrossable lines that It always becomes about me.

Today I have erased some those lines I have discovered. In a very personal matter in my life, and to be honest with out going into sharing any details because He's not finished yet. Well yesterday, by accident I read in one of my writings a prayer that I prayed years ago that God really didn't answer. So I stopped praying that prayer to Him. I sat yesterday on the floor weeping and crying and talking to God about it, I erased that line. And He also said it to me very loudly,