Sunday, June 03, 2012

After spending a week in Africa teaching at a Women’s Conference, I spent the next week on a personal and spiritual high.  I was soaring.  Then on this Tuesday morning I woke up in the state of being in a funk.  Has that ever happened to you?  Mr. Funk was not invited, and I didn’t have him scheduled in my calendar at all.  He just appeared.  Unfortunately, I made the choice to hang with him!
I want to share with you some tips on how I eventually freed myself from his evil clutches.  I want to tell you how I fought the funk so I could be free to be me!
The first thing I did is become aware of his presence.  That was the easy part to notice.  I had no motivation.  I was looking for a reason to quit.  I became a prisoner of my mind and my emotions.  I had negative self -talk going on.  I felt like a failure.  I was also telling myself the wrong story!  So the bottom line is I knew I was experiencing the presence of Mr. Funk!  Knowing this is half the battle.
The next thing was I tried to justify Mr. Funk.  I did that by trying to invite others to my pity party with Mr. Funk.  I even engaged in a conversation about it with my Life Coach.  Guess what it didn’t work.  I was grappling at trying to find the source from where Mr. Funk came from and it did not make me feel any better.  The bottom line is as I became more and more aware of Funks presence I realized that I didn’t have to dwell on the source.  Dwelling on it would keep me from enjoying life and moving forward in my business.  I’ve been with Mr. Funk before and he has not made it easy, I knew if continued to listen to his stories he was telling me, I would never progress.
The biggest thing I did when Mr. Funk arrived on my doorstep and intruded into my personal space is I worked through him, around him and over him.  I refused to listen to his whispers and shouts.  I didn’t allow him to take a seat in my home or in my heart.  I didn’t waste time wondering anymore if I’m good enough, motivated enough to do what I needed to do.  I just did it and moved forward in a big way.
I could end my story here but I won’t because I had an AHA moment while removing Mr. Funk out of my life.  I realized that he came knocking but I made the choice to let him in the back door.   What I realized is that by that single choice of allowing him to harass me that in the same way I could make a better choice and ignore his knocks and voices all together.  I realized I could choose to accomplish what need to be done.  I pushed through it until I felt him no more.   I realized that staying faithful to the things I believe in and am passionate about and the God I serve, quickly rids me of Mr. Funk!  I’m motivated now and have my energy back, Mr. Funk is gone for now, and I’m sure he will try to sneak his way back into my life.  The good news now is he is gone and I feel free at last.  Free of funk and my life and free to do what I need to do and free to make better choices!  Free to not choose to wine and dine Mr. Funk!  What about you?  What are the things you do to get rid of Mr. Funk!