One Question???????
Hi, you know I'm stretching it and totally having writers block with this blog post. But I had to do it. I just want to know one thing. Where have all the socks gone?
Now here is the thing, I know I am not the only person with this problem. But I am coming forward and finally admitting it. This is a picture of all my entire families unmatched socks. This is disturbing! Is there a support group for this? Do I need PROZAC? Am I just plain old nuts. WHERE DID THEY GO? Inquiring minds such as I would like to know????
Okay, so you say Lori, unmatched socks are a part of life. Who would even write about it? I say tell me why? Why is it when I put matching socks in the washer and then to the dryer I sometimes end up with one? Why is it that when I go into the rooms to search high and low for the unmatched socks they are no where to be found?
Some more thoughts and other people suggestions. One, some people believe that the washer or dryer has ate them. MYTH!
Some people believe that they are still somewhere in the house hiding. MYTH! Others like myself, believe there is a sock conspiracy going on. What do you believe?
Do you remember the song by the Kingston Trio in the sixties, called where have all the Flowers gone?
Well here is my version of Where have all the Socks Gone! Yes I know I am mad crazy!
Where have all the socks gone?Long time passingWhere have all socks gone?Long time agoWhere have all the socks gone?Not Covered with flowers Im sure!When will we ever learn?When will we ever learn?
Not sure if we will every learn
where they have gone,
but I do know one thing, they are not
covered with
flowers somewhere! And they are
gone for sure!