We are well into November and next week is Thanksgiving. I decided to do something a bit different for November and dub it “Thankful November”! Each day on my Facebook page I have been posting something that I am thankful for. It’s funny how once you start focusing on being thankful. It changes everything. For the most part, I’ve been thankful for personal things. So for today I want to focus on how I’m thankful for my business? How do you find ways to be thankful for in your business? How do you find ways to be thankful for all the landmarks you have reached? Do you have a daily way of expressing thankfulness? These are the things I’m thankful for this season!
First, I am thankful to God for giving me the gifts and talents that I have. I thank Him for giving me the ideas that I have to move forward in my business and be successful.
I’m thankful for my family and friends who have been so supportive in all my endeavors in this season of life that I am in. I’m thankful for the support they give me in my business. I’m thankful that they believe in me enough to help me in whatever way they can.
I’m thankful for the opportunities that have been given to me to move my business to the next level. I’m thankful for my colleagues who have inspired me to move forward in business.
I’m thankful for my mentors/coaches who have helped me see the big picture and the process through the journey that I am on. I’m thankful that they prodded and poked me when it needed to be done. I’m thankful that they challenged me where I needed to be challenged.
I’m thankful that I have my own office and desk to work at. I’m thankful for the computer that I work on and the stuff on my desk I have. I’m thankful for all other objects I have in my office that I sometimes take for granted.
I’m thankful for the networks that I belong to and the friendships and business relationships that I have made from these groups. I’m thankful for the business referred and business given.
I’m thankful for the clients I have that have been so faithful in our partnership together. I’m thankful for their willingness to change and move forward in their lives. I’m thankful for them letting me share in the process.
I’m thankful for this attitude of gratitude that I have that gives me great perspective in my business. It helps me get better and do my best work.
I’m thankful that here in America I live where we have the resources to make it in our own businesses. So many people live in countries where they don’t have the same opportunity that I have.
Mostly I’m thankful for the opportunities to make a difference in another individual life! What are you most thankful in your business for? Do you express your thankfulness daily? It will make a difference in your life and in your business!