It’s Nineteen days into December, and my Christmas tree is up and
decorated. I have pulled out the Christmas books, the Christmas music
and the Christmas movies. I am officially in the Christmas spirit. I
must say I have at least 3 favorite movies for this enchanted season.
One of those movies I can watch over and over again is; “It’s a
wonderful life”. Oh how I love that movie.
As I watch the movie, I
can relate to it in so many aspects. George Bailey he had dreams and
hopes and in his mind he had not fulfilled them. In many ways we are
all like George Bailey in the sense that we have dreams and hopes
unfulfilled. Without going into too much detail of the movie, on
Christmas Eve George Bailey, head of Bailey Saving and Loan is under a
lot of financial pressures attempts to end it all by jumping off a
bridge. This really is the turning point of his life, because an angel
named Clarence rescues him. Clarence’s assignment is George Bailey and
if he succeeds Clarence will get his wings. Then the fun begins.
George wishes that he had never been born and Clarence gives him that
exact wish. Clarence’s journey through George’s life shifts George’s
perspective from monetary problems to the positive effect he has had on
others. George realizes that he does want to live and that he has a
wonderful life, no matter the money difficulties. Racing home to his
family, he finds friends there who have gathered the necessary funds for
the deposit, thereby saving the bank. In the end, all turns out well.
As George’s family and friends gather around him, a bell on the
Christmas tree rings, signaling that Clarence earned his wings.
of us might feel a bit like George Bailey this year, financially
strapped and not sure how we will make it through the tough times.
Maybe we are not sure is the business that we are growing is making the
impact that we want it to or is growing the way it should. Sometimes
this leads us to be desperate in our thinking and it can affect our
entire outlook on life. A reframing of our thoughts takes us away from
monetary and economic matters might help remind us as well that there is
much good in life and much to be happy about, much to be thankful
about. Mainly because it still is such a wonderful life.
What makes us happy? For me it’s giving to others through time, money and my talents. These things tend to make us happier.
Bailey’s story unfolds in the small town of Bedford Falls. For those
of us who live in large cities, it is up to us to help create and
participate in communities and associations. These volunteer
associations, about half of which are worship-related, provide a way for
us to give to others as well as to create social networks that add
meaning and context to our everyday lives.
This Christmas season,
with so many people in need, try focusing on helping others out of the
icy waters, and you might not notice that you are a bit cold yourself.
And you know giving to others will lead to an increase in your
happiness, increasing your ability to work harder, be a better parent,
have a better marriage and become better at your business.
truth is, I’ve done some cool things this year. I’ve accomplished so
many things in my business that I am proud of. I have people in my life I
love and care about. So I guess my question to you is what cool things
are you doing in your business? And who are those special people in
your life that you love and care about? There are just so many things
that turned my life upside down and I know have impacted others lives
too, and these things have made me giddy and joyful inside. With 2014
right around the corner what will your wonderful life look like?
This is about my thoughts, my life and my journey. I am always striving to choose "The Better Part". That better part is Jesus!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Monday, November 04, 2013
Losing Time On Social Media!
Many people in business lose time daily while trolling and
participating on the various social media platforms. Unfortunately you
can never get that time back. Unless of course you move the clocks
back. Hey wait a minute, didn't that just happen. My favorite day was
Sunday, November 3rd because the clocks moved back. Getting more time in
your day can be as simple as making a few minor changes. We know there
are only so many hours available, and adding more is just not possible.
Unless of course you can move the clocks back again.
However, these are three practices that help me get more accomplished in the time I do have available and they help me spend my time wisely especially when on the different social media platforms..
1. Avoid unnecessary interruptions on social media - How many times have you been immersed with a project or savvy post on facebook only to get interrupted by a notification or an instant message? Then when you finally get back to what you were doing you totally forgot where you were. Probably the best way to handle this is not to be interrupted. Especially when you are working on project that has a deadline.
Make sure you have limited, if not eliminated, the possibility of interruptions. Here are some suggestions:
Get rid of unwanted emails that clutter up your boxes. Avoid having a lot of private messages not viewed. Answer any questions that need to be answered. Don't let anything pile up!
Also some times friends add to the social media clutter. Stay focused and go back on later on after work and have fun with your friends.
3. Make a social media schedule - Making a schedule is the best thing I have done for utilizing social media for my business. This schedule is more than just a "to do" list. I actually plan my day by adding allotted time and time frames to my social media calendar. I challenge you to set some appointed time for your post and your engagement on social media. Also set reminders and honor them.
One other thing I do is I schedule my content across the different social media platforms. So I now have a content calendar. I really believe being scheduled helps you accomplish things.
Stop what you are doing that is not about your business and actually complete the task that you set up at the appointed time. This way after you completed the your social media marketing for the day you can do other things to build your business and make it grow. If this is just not possible, reschedule it to a more convenient time.
So what are some things you do to keep yourself from loosing time on social media. Drop me a line below and let me know!
However, these are three practices that help me get more accomplished in the time I do have available and they help me spend my time wisely especially when on the different social media platforms..
1. Avoid unnecessary interruptions on social media - How many times have you been immersed with a project or savvy post on facebook only to get interrupted by a notification or an instant message? Then when you finally get back to what you were doing you totally forgot where you were. Probably the best way to handle this is not to be interrupted. Especially when you are working on project that has a deadline.
Make sure you have limited, if not eliminated, the possibility of interruptions. Here are some suggestions:
- Set your business time on social media platforms only for business
- Close your email or turn off email notifications.
- Avoid reading other peoples feeds at this time.
Get rid of unwanted emails that clutter up your boxes. Avoid having a lot of private messages not viewed. Answer any questions that need to be answered. Don't let anything pile up!
Also some times friends add to the social media clutter. Stay focused and go back on later on after work and have fun with your friends.
3. Make a social media schedule - Making a schedule is the best thing I have done for utilizing social media for my business. This schedule is more than just a "to do" list. I actually plan my day by adding allotted time and time frames to my social media calendar. I challenge you to set some appointed time for your post and your engagement on social media. Also set reminders and honor them.
One other thing I do is I schedule my content across the different social media platforms. So I now have a content calendar. I really believe being scheduled helps you accomplish things.
Stop what you are doing that is not about your business and actually complete the task that you set up at the appointed time. This way after you completed the your social media marketing for the day you can do other things to build your business and make it grow. If this is just not possible, reschedule it to a more convenient time.
So what are some things you do to keep yourself from loosing time on social media. Drop me a line below and let me know!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Prioritize Your Priorities!
you ask women how they manage to keep balance in their lives and
business, one of the common threads in all their answers seems to be
prioritizing. We seem to have found that making sure we use our time on
things that matter is key. Beyond that, though, we have to select
which items we spend time on and when we spend time on them. That's what I like to think of as prioritizing our priorities.
entrepreneur responded, when asked about how she keeps balance, by
saying she is proactive in her planning. She actually "axes" or gets rid
of anything in her plan that distracts her from her goal. That
response really resonated with me.
balanced and prioritizing means keeping your eye on the prize. We have
to constantly ask ourselves, what really matters? What are we trying
to accomplish? The answers will help us plan and stay on course each
other thing women seem agree on is taking time for reflection. Some
take time for quiet meditation or prayer. Others go for a meditative
walk to start the day. Or maybe you take yours at the end of the day,
with a soak in the tub by candlelight. Whatever we choose, we need to
find a way to go inward to recharge.
our priorities in order depends on how well we understand what is
important and how we set our goals. Once we know that, our goals
practically set themselves. In other words, know yourself and what you
want. Then you can plan how to make it happen in a way that works best
for you and those around you.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Fear of Failure, I'm doing it again!
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” Paulo Coelho, The AlchemistI
have a confession to make the last two weeks I’ve been
procrastinating. The major culprit is I have this underlying fear of
failure. The other culprit is my unrealistic expectations of success.
Lastly I said Yes to many unimportant events. Now I’m faced with
delaying a project that I want to share with my tribe to help them.
It’s not a comfortable feeling. So here are some of my thoughts that I
have learned the hard way and hopefully this time I learned a valuable
1. Be Aware – I was listening to this awesome Tele-summit called "Superwomen Syndrome,Take off the Cape and find your true power" hosted by Michelle Weimer and one of the speakers was talking about fears and that a symptom of it was procrastination. This project I'm working on kept on being pushed to the next day, this should have been my clue that I was procrastinating. The funny thing is I knew it as soon as it popped up on the call. The bottom line was I was procrastinating because I was afraid! So that awareness is that uncomfortable feeling that you have that pushes you one way or another. Either you are going to ignore it or work on it. The cool thing is when I became aware of it, I actually wrote my coach and saids let's work on it.
2. Find out the why – I knew there was a reason for my procrastination but I didn't want face it. For me this time it was the fear of failure. It was rearing it's ugly head. So I tried to ignore it and do other things that didn't really matter. The bottom line is I was working on this project and I was afraid to put out there because I was afraid it wouldn't be good enough. That it would be a failure.
3. Tackle it -So I talked it through with my coach and I came to the conclusion if I didn't put my project out there I was failing! Also I came to the conclusion that not putting it out there would cause regret in me.
I know now that every once in a while fear is going to creep into my life and try to prevent me from realizing my dreams. My coach has often told me to feel the fear and do it anyway. So that is what I'm going to do. Stay tuned for some announcements coming from me in the next few weeks and a really cool training series. In the meantime think about these questions. Is fear causing you to put off that needs to be done? Is there an underlying reason you are procrastinating? Drop me a line and tell me some things you do to crush fear! Don't let fear crush your dreams!
1. Be Aware – I was listening to this awesome Tele-summit called "Superwomen Syndrome,Take off the Cape and find your true power" hosted by Michelle Weimer and one of the speakers was talking about fears and that a symptom of it was procrastination. This project I'm working on kept on being pushed to the next day, this should have been my clue that I was procrastinating. The funny thing is I knew it as soon as it popped up on the call. The bottom line was I was procrastinating because I was afraid! So that awareness is that uncomfortable feeling that you have that pushes you one way or another. Either you are going to ignore it or work on it. The cool thing is when I became aware of it, I actually wrote my coach and saids let's work on it.
2. Find out the why – I knew there was a reason for my procrastination but I didn't want face it. For me this time it was the fear of failure. It was rearing it's ugly head. So I tried to ignore it and do other things that didn't really matter. The bottom line is I was working on this project and I was afraid to put out there because I was afraid it wouldn't be good enough. That it would be a failure.
3. Tackle it -So I talked it through with my coach and I came to the conclusion if I didn't put my project out there I was failing! Also I came to the conclusion that not putting it out there would cause regret in me.
I know now that every once in a while fear is going to creep into my life and try to prevent me from realizing my dreams. My coach has often told me to feel the fear and do it anyway. So that is what I'm going to do. Stay tuned for some announcements coming from me in the next few weeks and a really cool training series. In the meantime think about these questions. Is fear causing you to put off that needs to be done? Is there an underlying reason you are procrastinating? Drop me a line and tell me some things you do to crush fear! Don't let fear crush your dreams!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Saying Goodbye!
Usually I write about using social media in my business in my weekly
blog posts, but not today! Since I use social media to make a living
and I help businesses with their social media marketing I want to share
something on a personal side. After all this seems like a perfect time
for me to send a personal note.
This week is about goodbyes for me. I just finished my short trip to South Carolina moving my daughter and grandson. It was fun to be with them as they start their new life in a new place and a new school and a new job. Saying goodbye is difficult but exciting too.
Fast forward, as you are reading this I’m now in VA moving my son into his first year of college. Saying goodbye once again but it’s all good.
The funny thing is I will be miles away from two of my four children and there is an excitement stirring in me. I’m so proud of my all grown up children and the decisions they have made. I am confident they will continue to live life like they mean it. Not being afraid of saying goodbyes when they need too. I’m also excited that I have been instrumental in their lives up to now.
Now you know I have to tie social media into this some how so here goes. Facebook will help me glance in and see what they’re doing at a distance. Occasional emails and texts will keep me up to date. I will rejoice when they rejoice and I will be sad for them when they are sad. I will see them at family gatherings, holidays and breaks and more pictures and memories will happen.
So as the new chapter begins in 2 if my children’s lives, mine begins too. You see it isn’t really saying goodbye it’s turning the page to a great, new adventure. Life is good! What or who have you had to say goodbye to lately? Drop me a line and let me know how it’s going!
This week is about goodbyes for me. I just finished my short trip to South Carolina moving my daughter and grandson. It was fun to be with them as they start their new life in a new place and a new school and a new job. Saying goodbye is difficult but exciting too.
Fast forward, as you are reading this I’m now in VA moving my son into his first year of college. Saying goodbye once again but it’s all good.
The funny thing is I will be miles away from two of my four children and there is an excitement stirring in me. I’m so proud of my all grown up children and the decisions they have made. I am confident they will continue to live life like they mean it. Not being afraid of saying goodbyes when they need too. I’m also excited that I have been instrumental in their lives up to now.
Now you know I have to tie social media into this some how so here goes. Facebook will help me glance in and see what they’re doing at a distance. Occasional emails and texts will keep me up to date. I will rejoice when they rejoice and I will be sad for them when they are sad. I will see them at family gatherings, holidays and breaks and more pictures and memories will happen.
So as the new chapter begins in 2 if my children’s lives, mine begins too. You see it isn’t really saying goodbye it’s turning the page to a great, new adventure. Life is good! What or who have you had to say goodbye to lately? Drop me a line and let me know how it’s going!
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Today we celebrate here in the States the of 4th July. We
celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence. What an
amazing day that must have been for the Men who fought so hard for
freedom. Today I am thankful that I have that freedom that was given to
me by men who had the dream to be free.
oday we celebrate here in the States the 4
There is another freedom I have experienced that I want to write about today. The freedom I have in being an Entrepreneur. Unlike the battles that took place in the 1770’s, my battle was silent. There was the fear, the naysayers and the ego and I won! Now I am free! Here are couple tangible things that this newfound freedom has brought me.
1. I have the freedom in doing what I love to do. I am doing what I’m passionate about. Plus as a real number one bonus I am helping others. That is really what I love doing. In working in the social media field I get to do what I love and establish relationships. I believe you can’t be free unless you are truly doing what you love! How about you are you doing what you love?
2. I have the freedom of flexibility! This is great because I’m not locked into a 9 to 5 job. Now I want you hear what I’m not say here. This does not mean that you don’t work hard and play all day! It means you have the flexibility to work however you choose to and where ever you choose to. You are not locked in! You can go to tradeshows and networking events whenever because you don’t have to ask for time off. Wouldn’t you like to have that flexibility in your life?
3. I have freedom over my life and job! Flexibility is great but control over your life and job is what really matters. Now I know that this does not mean we can control everything that happens in life and in our jobs but as an entrepreneur we can control some things like where we go, who we do it with, what hours are we working today, all the decisions in creativity, sales, fun and who we work with. We cannot control the outcome but we can control the activity that has an outcome. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of control in your life?
4. Lastly, a bit of ego satisfaction, because there is nothing like walking into a room of my peers and sharing what I do. There is nothing like belonging to a BNI and getting a referral. There is nothing like speaking at a networking event. See sometimes that ego keeps you from freedom. When you are doing what you want to do and moving forward, the ego adapts and you satisfy it. How about you, how do you feel about what you do? Are you satisfied?
Most of you who read this are already entrepreneurs, so I would love to hear from you about what other freedoms you have discovered in your business. Make a comment below!
oday we celebrate here in the States the 4
There is another freedom I have experienced that I want to write about today. The freedom I have in being an Entrepreneur. Unlike the battles that took place in the 1770’s, my battle was silent. There was the fear, the naysayers and the ego and I won! Now I am free! Here are couple tangible things that this newfound freedom has brought me.
1. I have the freedom in doing what I love to do. I am doing what I’m passionate about. Plus as a real number one bonus I am helping others. That is really what I love doing. In working in the social media field I get to do what I love and establish relationships. I believe you can’t be free unless you are truly doing what you love! How about you are you doing what you love?
2. I have the freedom of flexibility! This is great because I’m not locked into a 9 to 5 job. Now I want you hear what I’m not say here. This does not mean that you don’t work hard and play all day! It means you have the flexibility to work however you choose to and where ever you choose to. You are not locked in! You can go to tradeshows and networking events whenever because you don’t have to ask for time off. Wouldn’t you like to have that flexibility in your life?
3. I have freedom over my life and job! Flexibility is great but control over your life and job is what really matters. Now I know that this does not mean we can control everything that happens in life and in our jobs but as an entrepreneur we can control some things like where we go, who we do it with, what hours are we working today, all the decisions in creativity, sales, fun and who we work with. We cannot control the outcome but we can control the activity that has an outcome. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of control in your life?
4. Lastly, a bit of ego satisfaction, because there is nothing like walking into a room of my peers and sharing what I do. There is nothing like belonging to a BNI and getting a referral. There is nothing like speaking at a networking event. See sometimes that ego keeps you from freedom. When you are doing what you want to do and moving forward, the ego adapts and you satisfy it. How about you, how do you feel about what you do? Are you satisfied?
Most of you who read this are already entrepreneurs, so I would love to hear from you about what other freedoms you have discovered in your business. Make a comment below!
Monday, June 03, 2013
I am now a proud owner of a business that has life and is vibrant! I
love it! As I sit here and soak this in I realize that along the way I
had to make a lot of choices as an Entrepreneur. I want to share these
choices because there is a major lesson in all this that I have learned
along the way.
Choice number one is to move forward. Don’t get stuck in the cant’s the wont’s and the what if’s. Just move one baby step at a time. At first there is such resistance but then it gets easier. Trust me on this one, I could have been best friends with resistance.
Choice number two is not live in the old story. It’s that old story that tells you that you will fail, that you are not enough. It’s that old story that tells you that you can’t do it. It’s that old story that tells you what if you fail. You know that voice, the one that constantly brings you back to the past. That was then and this now. You are a new person with a new story created to do amazing things. We are created to do amazing things In this world. Stop trying to live that old story,it does not do us any good! In fact it hinders us in being the person that God created us to be.
Choice number three is don’t look back. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions especially in business. We can get stuck in the “I should haves”. Which does not do us any good. We tend to forget we have no control over the outcome of that decision sometimes and so if we look back it keeps us there in that moment. If we look forward it keeps us positively in the future.
Choice number four is we have to choose our attitude daily. I can choose to be grumpy or happy! I can choose to be mad or glad! You get the picture. We can choose our feelings and how we are going to act. And believe me how we choose to act affects everything!
Choice number five we can choose to be intentional in how we live, where we live, with whom we live, and with all other details. We can choose what we want to be when we grow up! How cool is that! You see choosing is about living and living free. Choosing is about not getting stuck! Choosing is believing that you are enough. Choosing is believing that you are not a failure. Choosing to be an Entrepreneur is about sharing your unique abilities to helps someone else. What about you? What are you choosing lately? I would love to hear what you have to say! Write your feeling below!
Choice number one is to move forward. Don’t get stuck in the cant’s the wont’s and the what if’s. Just move one baby step at a time. At first there is such resistance but then it gets easier. Trust me on this one, I could have been best friends with resistance.
Choice number two is not live in the old story. It’s that old story that tells you that you will fail, that you are not enough. It’s that old story that tells you that you can’t do it. It’s that old story that tells you what if you fail. You know that voice, the one that constantly brings you back to the past. That was then and this now. You are a new person with a new story created to do amazing things. We are created to do amazing things In this world. Stop trying to live that old story,it does not do us any good! In fact it hinders us in being the person that God created us to be.
Choice number three is don’t look back. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions especially in business. We can get stuck in the “I should haves”. Which does not do us any good. We tend to forget we have no control over the outcome of that decision sometimes and so if we look back it keeps us there in that moment. If we look forward it keeps us positively in the future.
Choice number four is we have to choose our attitude daily. I can choose to be grumpy or happy! I can choose to be mad or glad! You get the picture. We can choose our feelings and how we are going to act. And believe me how we choose to act affects everything!
Choice number five we can choose to be intentional in how we live, where we live, with whom we live, and with all other details. We can choose what we want to be when we grow up! How cool is that! You see choosing is about living and living free. Choosing is about not getting stuck! Choosing is believing that you are enough. Choosing is believing that you are not a failure. Choosing to be an Entrepreneur is about sharing your unique abilities to helps someone else. What about you? What are you choosing lately? I would love to hear what you have to say! Write your feeling below!
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Social Media and Paul McCartney
Sir Paul the Liverpool genius will be turning 71 in June. He is my
favorite Beatle. Most of the Internet Kids today don’t even know who
this cool dude is! I do! Heck my kids don’t even know what a record
is. I have to say he would have rocked the world of Social Media in
his day if it existed. When I think of the Beatles and Paul McCartney I
think about all the comments out there in the musical world that said
the Beatles were way ahead of their time. Paul McCartney came out of
nowhere and became the star of the group. His style would have rocked
the world of Social Media Marketing and Strategy. I want to share some
insights Sir Paul has given me in his songs that lead me to believe,
that he would have got the social media world.
Most of you by now know I’m huge on engaging with my audience. I’m huge on listening to my audience. So I find it interesting how McCartney engaged his audience. So here are the songs he wrote that I feel were cutting edge Social Media material. If you’re a cynic you would disagree with me maybe, but I will try to win you over.
1. I Want To Tell You: LOL our world today is loaded with people who want to tell us something. It seems like today I even know when someone is taking a shower. We Facebook it, Tweet it and even blog about it. Someone out there is listening.
2. Love Me Do: Heck if it isn’t about love what is it about. Seriously. A lot of online engagement is about feeling the love. When we write a post we sometimes say we’re hoping for some comment about love. Or it’s about being loved. We thank people sometimes for the RT love. And there’s that little detail that people we engage with on Twitter are called followers. On Facebook – “fans.”
3. No Words: Sometimes it really is all about pictures! Just saying! Go Pinterest!
4. The Fool on the Hill: "Well on his way his head in a cloud,
The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud
But nobody ever hears him, Or the sound he appears to make,
And he never seems to notice, But the fool on the hill . . . " Need I say more Facebook is full of them. You know those obnoxious types.
5. Let It Be: “Speaking Words of Wisdom” Let it Be. So many times I will be on line and I have a moment of learning through a quote or phrase posted by someone. Paul seemed to have this one right. The Let it Be Album for me was the record I listened to most. Awesome music. Too bad it was the end of the Beatles. They did get to record from the rooftop how cool is that. Talk about getting out there in a big way!
6. The Long and Winding Road: Somehow, Paul knew that the commitment to life was going to be a long and winding road. This song perfectly describes the Social Media experience. Anyway, to build your online community it is a long and winding road but you must go down it!
What’s most amazing is Sir Paul from fifty years ago still has the ability to Rock Me. McCartney was prolific with the Beatles. He was way more than a band member, he was an influencer with his words. Paul and the Beatles created trends in music in which the masses eagerly followed. I know I would certainly want to be the influencer in Social Media.
Social Media allows us to reach more people then we ever could before. The first step to being a trendsetter is to make sure the quality of what you do is something to be proud of. Paul didn’t write songs by thinking about what the fans would like, Paul wrote songs that his fans liked.
I really had fun thinking about this. I told you Paul was all about engagement and way ahead of his time. The Beatles wrote a lot about online engagement. Just think of John Lennon’s song “Eight Days A Week”. Social Media is really more than a 7 day commitment to your marketing. How did they know all of this? I have no idea. I always knew they were geniuses. Just saying!
Now, maybe by now you’ve uncovered other Paul McCartney songs or Beatles songs that also reveal this expertise of theirs. If you have, would you share them below for the rest of us?
Most of you by now know I’m huge on engaging with my audience. I’m huge on listening to my audience. So I find it interesting how McCartney engaged his audience. So here are the songs he wrote that I feel were cutting edge Social Media material. If you’re a cynic you would disagree with me maybe, but I will try to win you over.
1. I Want To Tell You: LOL our world today is loaded with people who want to tell us something. It seems like today I even know when someone is taking a shower. We Facebook it, Tweet it and even blog about it. Someone out there is listening.
2. Love Me Do: Heck if it isn’t about love what is it about. Seriously. A lot of online engagement is about feeling the love. When we write a post we sometimes say we’re hoping for some comment about love. Or it’s about being loved. We thank people sometimes for the RT love. And there’s that little detail that people we engage with on Twitter are called followers. On Facebook – “fans.”
3. No Words: Sometimes it really is all about pictures! Just saying! Go Pinterest!
4. The Fool on the Hill: "Well on his way his head in a cloud,
The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud
But nobody ever hears him, Or the sound he appears to make,
And he never seems to notice, But the fool on the hill . . . " Need I say more Facebook is full of them. You know those obnoxious types.
5. Let It Be: “Speaking Words of Wisdom” Let it Be. So many times I will be on line and I have a moment of learning through a quote or phrase posted by someone. Paul seemed to have this one right. The Let it Be Album for me was the record I listened to most. Awesome music. Too bad it was the end of the Beatles. They did get to record from the rooftop how cool is that. Talk about getting out there in a big way!
6. The Long and Winding Road: Somehow, Paul knew that the commitment to life was going to be a long and winding road. This song perfectly describes the Social Media experience. Anyway, to build your online community it is a long and winding road but you must go down it!
What’s most amazing is Sir Paul from fifty years ago still has the ability to Rock Me. McCartney was prolific with the Beatles. He was way more than a band member, he was an influencer with his words. Paul and the Beatles created trends in music in which the masses eagerly followed. I know I would certainly want to be the influencer in Social Media.
Social Media allows us to reach more people then we ever could before. The first step to being a trendsetter is to make sure the quality of what you do is something to be proud of. Paul didn’t write songs by thinking about what the fans would like, Paul wrote songs that his fans liked.
I really had fun thinking about this. I told you Paul was all about engagement and way ahead of his time. The Beatles wrote a lot about online engagement. Just think of John Lennon’s song “Eight Days A Week”. Social Media is really more than a 7 day commitment to your marketing. How did they know all of this? I have no idea. I always knew they were geniuses. Just saying!
Now, maybe by now you’ve uncovered other Paul McCartney songs or Beatles songs that also reveal this expertise of theirs. If you have, would you share them below for the rest of us?
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Death & Tragedy

Facebook & Twitter & YouTube and Linkedin have been plastered with pictures and comments of this tragedy and many others. It’s hard not to become desensitized by all the media coming at you. I almost have this feeling that this should not happen this way. So I want to explain why I think this that putting tragedy and death all over Facebook and the other social media is just crazy wrong.
Last night while on Facebook a newsfeed came through that shocked me and put me to tears. I found out through Facebook that my friend, my pastor who performed my marriage ceremony, dedicated all 4 of my children passed away. Friends this is no way to find out someone close to you died. What in the world is anybody thinking posting this. Immediately I made calls to those who were close and after I was sure that everyone knew I posted my tribute on Facebook.
So I find myself raw and uneasy about what is posted on the social platforms. I find it a bit impersonal to say the least. I myself apologize if I have ever posted something inappropriate. I find myself back in tragedy mode that is still lingering from the Newtown tragedy. When will all this nonsense stop and lives stop being torn apart? Not sure, but maybe a first step is to stop reporting it. Is it really newsworthy? Today, I have posted for the picture of my blog, my running sneakers as a statement that I will still run! Hopefully all my friends that do marathons will still run too.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Are You Out Of Your Comfort Zone!
I'm going to Africa! This is way out of my Comfort Zone! So I thought I would share
this poem I found to encourage you!
this poem I found to encourage you!
My Comfort Zone – A Poem
Author Unknown
I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn’t fail.
The same four walls and busywork were really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things I’d never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor.
Author Unknown
I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn’t fail.
The same four walls and busywork were really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things I’d never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor.
I said it didn’t matter that I wasn’t doing much.
I said I didn’t care for things like commission checks and such.
I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone,
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.
I said I didn’t care for things like commission checks and such.
I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone,
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.
I couldn’t let my life go by just watching others win.
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength I’d never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door.
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength I’d never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door.
Hope you enjoyed this poem. When have you stepped out of your comfort zone?
Make sure you tune in next week to a great post by a guest blogger on steps you can
take to overcome obstacles to see opportunities. Drop me line below and let me know
some steps you take to step out of your comfort zone.
Make sure you tune in next week to a great post by a guest blogger on steps you can
take to overcome obstacles to see opportunities. Drop me line below and let me know
some steps you take to step out of your comfort zone.
Friday, March 01, 2013
Keep On, Keeping on!
Consistency will pay off in the Business of Social Media Marketing. One Step at a Time!
Do you struggle with consistency with Social Media? Do you find that you make using Social Media for your business hard? We all sometimes struggle to keep the marketing funnel continuously flowing. I’m trying to keep the Social media marketing going so I can continue to reach out and touch people while I serve clients. I find myself wondering how long will it take to build my list to where I expect it to be. Will I ever arrive? I find myself 60 days into the new year and I am already treading water. Can someone throw me a floating device now! Better yet, can I just go to the beach and lie in the sun!Here’s the thing, here I am the one who helps other people with their social media and I confess I find it to be daunting sometimes. I wonder if all the effort that I put in will ever pay off. Will I be able to serve many? I began to realize that the expectations I had were making it harder than it was. Then I had one of my "aha" moments that changed my way of thinking. I was reading this awesome book by Danielle Laporte called "The Fire Starter Sessions". In the book she asked this question; "What would your life be like if you did only what was easy? That one question changed my perspective. It made me think about how I sometimes choose all the hard things to do first instead of the easy things or the easy steps. I had this false belief that easy is bad. Guess what it's not true. She gave this illustration in her book that went like this. "There's a charming cartoon sketch that shows this little guy at the base of Mount Everest. He's staring in awe at a secret, hidden stairway that's been built into the backside of the mountain. It leads straight up to the peak. The sign says LITTLE-KNOWN ENTRANCE." So my big what if is: "What if "Keep on, Keeping on" is easy?" It is one step at a time to the top!
So these four words continue to whisper in my head, “Keep on! Keeping on!" I’m here to tell you that I understand how the very actions of posting a blog or newsletter, or writing more can be done one step at a time. Attending business events can get to be overwhelming but do it one step at a time. I understand that sometimes there are obstacles in moving forward, but you can't move forward without a first step! I really get that we each have to take it one step at a time because it’s a journey, not a destination!
I believe the best way to “Keep On, Keeping on” is by staying consistent, even when it’s a struggle. For instance the mere fact that it’s 11:28 pm on Thursday night and I'm writing this shows that I’m dedicated to being consistent. Mostly, I took the first step to type on my laptop. Very Easy! I’m dedicated to growing my business and doing what it takes one step at a time. Mostly, I want to continue to be myself by being real in my business one step at a time. How I do that is by “Keeping on" one step at a time! How about you?
Do you struggle sometimes with the everyday tasks growing your business with Social Media? What steps do you take to have a system in place that keeps you moving? What do you find to be overwhelming? What are you doing to keep on, keeping on? Better yet how can I help you to keep on, keeping on? Drop me a line below and let me know what your biggest need is when it comes to Social Media?
Friday, February 01, 2013
Relationships Matter!
I’m observing some very disturbing trends lately in the Social Media platforms that worry me. There is a huge amount of people spending way too much time online.
Permit me to share some of my thoughts on Social Media and building relationships. My first thought is developing relationships with live people, face to face really matters. Now this is kind of ironic coming from a business coach that specializes in Social Media Marketing. I happen to be online, plugged in a lot. So I’m really preaching to the choir here because in my business I spend a lot of time online. I also happen to think you can have relationships with people online but it’s not the same as in person. So when I feel like I have not talked to a real live person in a while this disturbs me. If I’m feeling this, there have to be others that feel the same way.
Now don’t get me wrong I think being plugged in is awesome but I want to address spending too much time on Social Media can actually really hinder your progress in your business. Why? One reason is because in live conversation you can’t delete, once you say it, it’s a done deal. You have to be out there to learn when to listen and talk. I feel you really need to get out there and meet people. I know I need that one on one connection. I need to laugh with people. I need to chill with people. I need to share my frustrations with people. I need to be there for people. Relationships really do matter to me. I really love hearing face to face what is happening in your life.
I want to share a story that I still laugh about to this day. Late in 2012 we had tropical storm Sandy that hit us where I live on the coast! We lost power for about 7 days. When I was without power I ran to Starbucks so I could be online. Starbucks is usually a place I go to have a Cinnamon Dolce Latte with a good friend but I chose to go there to get online. At the time that seemed more important. What was funny is if you didn’t get there early enough there was not a plug that was open. I was one of the lucky ones. This story is so typical of life now. Here I was in the same room with many people and I couldn’t put my phone or computer down to have a conversation. What’s even worse, I could have been home sitting near the fireplace enjoying conversation with my family. VERY SAD! I could have been spending quality time with my family instead I chose to isolate myself at Starbucks.
One other story that I want to share is one of being in a restaurant. In July of 2012 I went into the city for a long weekend to celebrate with my husband our 30th anniversary and there was this couple at the next table. While we were enjoying the evening spending time with each other exchanging great, deep intimate conversation, this couple spent their entire dinner texting on their phones. How odd!
I want to get really honest here and give you the biggest nugget that will help you in your business. It has helped me and that’s why I’m sharing it. Relationships Matter! So what helps me in this quest to make relationships matter more than sitting on Facebook , Twitter and Linkedin all day? The biggest thing that has helped me is having set times now when I go online. This way I’m spending the other time either working on my business, in person with someone or I’m meeting potential clients or potential JV partners. I also like spending time with people who encourage me in my business.
One other thing that I have incorporated into my schedule is a Lorraine Unplugged Day. This forces me not to be so isolated and it forces me not to hide behind my computer.
Relationships matter because it’s important in your business and personal life to be always cultivating relationships.
Some of you use Social Media in your business, I’m not saying to stop, I’m just saying do something different. This is how I work on making my relationships matter online. If I’m talking to people online, I listen again to the pulse! I answer everyone who tweets me, chats me, and emails me, etc. I make sure I’m the same person online and offline.
This is a bit of my soapbox for the week. What are you doing to kindle the relationships in your life online and offline? What are you doing to forge new relationships? Make a comment below and I would love to read your thoughts.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Boxes (That was then, this is now!)

I’m continually going through some of the boxes in my life. I’m glad that the cover is on the past boxes and I am in a new box now. The box I’m creating now is my own personal box. Things that I’m starting to gather are books and journals and ideas. The receipts are calculated and recorded. The things that are not there are my pains and failures from the past, because that’s the old story. My life is so dramatically changing every day. Mostly my new box is about the new me. What about you what new box are you creating?
More importantly why I mention this whole box thing. I would venture to say that most of us, including myself have come a long way in our lives. Over the past year I had many adventures. I stated last year I’m of belief that on January 2013 that I will be so much different than my box of January 2012. I am not disappointed. My box is awesome. I’m right where I’m supposed to be. So I find myself in a new box again, which is mostly unwritten. I’m excited about the new things that I will be packing into my box. I know it will be vibrant and it will have great impact on life and encourage more change for the year to follow.
Some thoughts I am pondering as I realized this transformation happens and how I will again be evolving into a person with a new box. I am no longer holding on to the old boxes! What about you? What boxes are you holding on to? What really needs to be saved from the past? What will I continue to add to the new box? What will you continue to add? What will I look like after the box is closed and tucked away in some attic? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please drop me a few lines in response to this!
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