Friday, February 01, 2013

Relationships Matter!

I’m observing some very disturbing trends lately in the Social Media platforms that worry me.  There is a huge amount of people spending way too much time online.
Permit me to share some of my thoughts on Social Media and building relationships. My first thought is developing relationships with live people, face to face really matters.  Now this is kind of ironic coming from a business coach that specializes in Social Media Marketing.  I happen to be online, plugged in a lot.  So I’m really preaching to the choir here because in my business I spend a lot of time online.  I also happen to think you can have relationships with people online but it’s not the same as in person.  So when I feel like I have not talked to a real live person in a while this disturbs me.  If I’m feeling this, there have to be others that feel the same way.
Now don’t get me wrong I think being plugged in is awesome but I want to address spending too much time on Social Media can actually really hinder your progress in your business.   Why?  One reason is because in live conversation you can’t delete, once you say it, it’s a done deal.  You have to be out there to learn when to listen and talk.   I feel you really need to get out there and meet people.  I know I need that one on one connection.  I need to laugh with people.  I need to chill with people.  I need to share my frustrations with people.  I need to be there for people.  Relationships really do matter to me.  I really love hearing face to face what is happening in your life.
I want to share a story that I still laugh about to this day.  Late in 2012 we had tropical storm  Sandy that hit us where I live on the coast!  We lost power for about 7 days.  When I was without power I ran to Starbucks so I could be online.  Starbucks is usually a place I go to have a Cinnamon Dolce Latte with a good friend but I chose to go there to get online.  At the time that seemed more important.  What was funny is if you didn’t get there early enough there was not a plug that was open.  I was one of the lucky ones.   This story is so typical of life now.  Here I was in the same room with many people and I couldn’t put my phone or computer down to have a conversation.  What’s even worse, I could have been home sitting near the fireplace enjoying conversation with my family. VERY SAD!  I could have been spending quality time with my family instead I chose to isolate myself at Starbucks.
One other story that I want to share is one of being in a restaurant.   In July of 2012 I went into the city for a long weekend to celebrate with my husband our 30th anniversary and there was this couple at the next table.  While we were enjoying the evening spending time with each other exchanging great, deep intimate conversation, this couple spent their entire dinner texting on their phones.  How odd!
I want to get really honest here and give you the biggest nugget that will help you in your business.  It has helped me and that’s why I’m sharing it.  Relationships Matter!  So what helps me in this quest to make relationships matter more than sitting on Facebook , Twitter and Linkedin all day?  The biggest thing that has helped me is having set times now when I go online.  This way I’m spending the other time either working on my business, in person with someone or I’m meeting potential clients or potential JV partners.  I also like spending time with people who encourage me in my business.
One other thing that I have incorporated into my schedule is a Lorraine Unplugged Day.  This forces me not to be so isolated and it forces me not to hide behind my computer.
Relationships matter because it’s important in your business and personal life to be always cultivating relationships.
Some of you use Social Media in your business, I’m not saying to stop, I’m just saying do something different.  This is how I work on making my relationships matter online.  If I’m talking to people online, I listen again to the pulse!  I answer everyone who tweets me, chats me, and emails me, etc.  I make sure I’m the same person online and offline.
This is a bit of my soapbox for the week.  What are you doing to kindle the relationships in your life online and offline?  What are you doing to forge new relationships?  Make a comment below and I would love to read your thoughts.