Choice number one is to move forward. Don’t get stuck in the cant’s the wont’s and the what if’s. Just move one baby step at a time. At first there is such resistance but then it gets easier. Trust me on this one, I could have been best friends with resistance.
Choice number two is not live in the old story. It’s that old story that tells you that you will fail, that you are not enough. It’s that old story that tells you that you can’t do it. It’s that old story that tells you what if you fail. You know that voice, the one that constantly brings you back to the past. That was then and this now. You are a new person with a new story created to do amazing things. We are created to do amazing things In this world. Stop trying to live that old story,it does not do us any good! In fact it hinders us in being the person that God created us to be.
Choice number three is don’t look back. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions especially in business. We can get stuck in the “I should haves”. Which does not do us any good. We tend to forget we have no control over the outcome of that decision sometimes and so if we look back it keeps us there in that moment. If we look forward it keeps us positively in the future.
Choice number four is we have to choose our attitude daily. I can choose to be grumpy or happy! I can choose to be mad or glad! You get the picture. We can choose our feelings and how we are going to act. And believe me how we choose to act affects everything!
Choice number five we can choose to be intentional in how we live, where we live, with whom we live, and with all other details. We can choose what we want to be when we grow up! How cool is that! You see choosing is about living and living free. Choosing is about not getting stuck! Choosing is believing that you are enough. Choosing is believing that you are not a failure. Choosing to be an Entrepreneur is about sharing your unique abilities to helps someone else. What about you? What are you choosing lately? I would love to hear what you have to say! Write your feeling below!