It’s Nineteen days into December, and my Christmas tree is up and
decorated. I have pulled out the Christmas books, the Christmas music
and the Christmas movies. I am officially in the Christmas spirit. I
must say I have at least 3 favorite movies for this enchanted season.
One of those movies I can watch over and over again is; “It’s a
wonderful life”. Oh how I love that movie.
As I watch the movie, I
can relate to it in so many aspects. George Bailey he had dreams and
hopes and in his mind he had not fulfilled them. In many ways we are
all like George Bailey in the sense that we have dreams and hopes
unfulfilled. Without going into too much detail of the movie, on
Christmas Eve George Bailey, head of Bailey Saving and Loan is under a
lot of financial pressures attempts to end it all by jumping off a
bridge. This really is the turning point of his life, because an angel
named Clarence rescues him. Clarence’s assignment is George Bailey and
if he succeeds Clarence will get his wings. Then the fun begins.
George wishes that he had never been born and Clarence gives him that
exact wish. Clarence’s journey through George’s life shifts George’s
perspective from monetary problems to the positive effect he has had on
others. George realizes that he does want to live and that he has a
wonderful life, no matter the money difficulties. Racing home to his
family, he finds friends there who have gathered the necessary funds for
the deposit, thereby saving the bank. In the end, all turns out well.
As George’s family and friends gather around him, a bell on the
Christmas tree rings, signaling that Clarence earned his wings.
of us might feel a bit like George Bailey this year, financially
strapped and not sure how we will make it through the tough times.
Maybe we are not sure is the business that we are growing is making the
impact that we want it to or is growing the way it should. Sometimes
this leads us to be desperate in our thinking and it can affect our
entire outlook on life. A reframing of our thoughts takes us away from
monetary and economic matters might help remind us as well that there is
much good in life and much to be happy about, much to be thankful
about. Mainly because it still is such a wonderful life.
What makes us happy? For me it’s giving to others through time, money and my talents. These things tend to make us happier.
Bailey’s story unfolds in the small town of Bedford Falls. For those
of us who live in large cities, it is up to us to help create and
participate in communities and associations. These volunteer
associations, about half of which are worship-related, provide a way for
us to give to others as well as to create social networks that add
meaning and context to our everyday lives.
This Christmas season,
with so many people in need, try focusing on helping others out of the
icy waters, and you might not notice that you are a bit cold yourself.
And you know giving to others will lead to an increase in your
happiness, increasing your ability to work harder, be a better parent,
have a better marriage and become better at your business.
truth is, I’ve done some cool things this year. I’ve accomplished so
many things in my business that I am proud of. I have people in my life I
love and care about. So I guess my question to you is what cool things
are you doing in your business? And who are those special people in
your life that you love and care about? There are just so many things
that turned my life upside down and I know have impacted others lives
too, and these things have made me giddy and joyful inside. With 2014
right around the corner what will your wonderful life look like?