"Call to me and I will answer
you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you
do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
A Visit to Belize
Central Prison
The only high and medium security prison in Belize;
Prisoner population = 1,200
I just want to share about the love of Jesus
I’ve experienced in Belize. There is many,
but for now I will share one incredible
experience in this wonderful week. And I’d
have to say, this was one of the highlights of my week.
On August 12th, 2004, my husband, Bill, John D,
Tim T. & I had the opportunity to visit Belize
Central Prison in Belize, delivering over 200
bibles in Spanish and English. On the way we picked
up John W., a most amazing man. John is a
devoted Christian, local businessman and the
Warden of this prison. He has incredible insight and
vision into the rehabilitation process that can only
come from his personal relationship with Christ. He’s
a living example of "WWJD." This prison has all types
of hardened criminals (drugs, murder and rape
are the 3 most common crimes), and John has the
desire to give them their dignity back by preaching the
Good News of Jesus Christ and treating them like
human beings. The prison’s conditions prior to his
taking over were not fit for any human. He’s been in
charge for two years now and the changes have been
The first stop on our tour was the youth facilities –
one of the first things John did was to separate the
youth from the men. We stood around inside their
sleeping quarters and chatted with several young
men who were incarcerated for all sorts of crimes. I
was stunned at how respectful they were to us, as
well as the quality relationship they had with John
W. What stunned me even more, unlike the
Hollywood version of prisons & wardens, was the
incredible and real concern John had for these youth.
Tim Tam told them about the Bibles we brought and
they couldn’t wait to get their hands on them!
Then we traveled through a maze of prisoners that all
seemed to know about the love and concern John had
for them. You see, some of these men had been jailed
for years before John took over, and they knew what it
used to be like. John shared so much with us about this
prison you could tell he was personally and emotionally
involved. One of the points he made is how each
inmate now had access to counselors, additional
education, more exercise time and even some
recreation time, but more importantly they all had the
opportunity to hear about the saving grace of Jesus
As we traveled through the rest of the facility we
entered the Education Center that housed the
counselors and computer lab. Right after we met with
the woman who runs the counseling programs I had
an experience that filled my eyes with tears of joy. I
met this man named "Steven K". He was serving a 12
year sentence for his crime and almost died because
his throat had been cut with a machete. "I made one
mistake a few years ago and now I’m paying for it. I
have Christ now and He has forgiven me. And I want
to basically finish out my sentence and live my life for
Christ." That statement touched and deeply moved me.
Shame on me for thinking their sins were any less
forgivable than mine because they’re in prison! It is
Christ who has the power to forgive and Steven has
found it. Again, you could see the relationship that John
had established with him.
My next moment was a scary one… we went through
the building where men were imprisoned but not yet
sentenced. It was awkward, but I managed to walk
through the cells smiling and saying hello. All I could
think of was how much these men needed Jesus.
After we finished we visited the most unique
feature of this prison. They had their own Disc
Jockey and radio station! The DJ’s name is Santiago
and he runs their Christian broadcast program over
the PA system. Santiago is serving a life term for
murder. He reads scripture, plays Christian music,
and plays stories and different broadcasts that have
a Christian message. Christian radio was being pumped
through the entire prison. Through every intercom.
Through a huge system of speakers. In every building,
including solitary confinement. When we met Santiago
it was clear he was on fire for the Lord and he started
sharing how God is using him in this prison. He then
caught us off guard as he did an impromptu live interview
with John D… live throughout the entire prison!! He asked
John to tell the listeners about himself and share some
advice. John told them what we were doing in Belize in our
orphan ministry and he told them that there is hope in
Jesus and that Jesus forgives them, no matter what.
Santiago then proceeded to interview me. Same questions,
and the piece of advice I offered was to love one another,
because Jesus loves them. Then Bill was interviewed and
he encouraged the listeners to read the Word, that it
would guide them.
Here we were, 3 no-name Christians from Connecticut
sharing the Gospel to 1,200 prison inmates!!! I must say,
God was totally in control as He gave us the words to say
(I know this because I’m so microphone "phobic").
Needless to say, the name of the Prison Radio Station was
Jeremiah 33.3. This is a prison radio station broadcasting
the truth to its audience: "Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Oh, there’s so much more I could say about the prison
ministry John has founded, but the one thing I will end
with is that this ministry is totally and completely based
on Jesus. And as I search for the meaning of this humbling
experience with a man who cares so much about people
who commit the atrocities of life, I’ve learned to look beyond
the external ugliness and see that each of us is created in
the image of God. I left a place full of broken individuals
and all I could hear was that still quiet voice inside of me
saying: "I will tell you great and unsearchable things that
you could never know." Things such as how He could take
a prison and transform lives in Belize. How cool is that!!!
In Him Always Lori D
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