Monday, July 21, 2008

Tidbits on Plastic

This is for amusement only,and was spurred on by an email on how bad plastic bags are for our environment and in some cases, plastic bags can hurt the animals of the world. And yes for demonstration purposes my dog Cooper is modeling for us. Please note he was not in danger at any time. I have nothing better to do with my Ice Coffee sipping days in Plastic.

Yeh, I own cloth bags and sometimes I forget to bring them inside the store. It upsets me when I forget them. Must be the brain damage I have from the plastic drinking bottles that we drink water from.
I was sold long ago on Cloth but they are a pain to carry around, so I leave them in my car trunk now and still forget them.
But this could be a scam to get us to buy cloth bags. Hmm, will they find that cloth causes some deadly disease?
By the way, 9 out of 10 dentists use plastic dental tools.
So what about those plastic bags that we use in our trash cans in our homes?
What will we invent for those. Cloth trash bags could be very cool and when they get dingy we can wash them with our church clothes. Or we can bring them to the cleaners so they can cover them with plastic.
Now there's an Idea.
While you are hanging out in your Bible study room tonight (if you have one), sit in that chair and talk to God
It requires no plastic. LOL
Uh oh unless you have a plastic bible cover. Then what will you do? hmm
Okay, I've been sun deprived today. Do you care?
Brain damage is caused by plastic.
Also Brain damage by the way can also be caused by kids. (annoying kids) Of course I don't know any annoying kids, do you?
Which leads me to those disposible diapers that's why I stopped having kids. It was those disposable diapers. I was concerned about the environment. But I forgot that I could have grandchildren.
Hmm and what about our cordless telephones how many of these devices have plastic.
I'm feeling a women's bible study on plastic. Entitled "The 7 deadly sins of plastic"
Do you know the statistics of murder committed by plastic knives? Scary Huh
Okay I'm done.
It was nice listening to the musicians yesterday in Church, but the mic's had some materials made of plastic. And so did those plastic music notebooks.
Wow We are being taken over by the world of Plastic.
Well be sure to read my new book called "Plastic No More" with chapter 5 being totally devoted to how Penquin's are an endangered species because of Plastic. And it can be related faith and how it can happen to us Too. WE ARE ENDANGERED


GailNHB said...

Thanks for reminding me to check your blog and see the new posts you have put up. Good work. I like the way you have laid out the photos as well. I should try to figure that out.

Good reflections on life and art and baseball and birthdays and plastic. Keep on writing, girl. Keep on writing!

beatrice said...

you have quite a handsome and cooperative dog. He must be your most obedient child.