(1 PETER 3:13-17)In 1999, DC Talk and the Voice of Martyrs came out with a book called JESUS FREAKS. This is an awesome book of stories about people from all over the world who suffered for their faith. The idea of the book came from a song on DC Talks Album called JESUS FREAKS. It is in that song these lyrics have haunted me.
What will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus Freak?
What will people do
When they find that's it's true?
Separated, I cut myself clean
From a past that comes back in my darkest of dreams
Been apprehended by a spiritual force
And a grace that replaced all the me I've divorced
So when I read this passage, I thought of the song Jesus Freak. I want to be a Jesus Freak. A Freak is someone who commits to something wholeheartedly, without apology or compromise. So I found myself asking these questions to myself. Am I committed to Jesus wholeheartedly without compromise? Oh the days I can kick myself when I compromise. I live in Fairfield County in America, have I really suffered for my faith. No, Not really. Even if I do suffer, do I know that I am blessed? Everyday I count my blessings and list 5 things I am thankful for. Am I prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks me to give the reason for the hope that is in me? And my answer to that was a startling “maybe”. Then I realized that maybe I’m not the Jesus Freak that I should be or want to be. And I realized it’s not about me when asked, but it’s about them. And in vs 14 it states, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord” You see because of the “hope” in me and that He is Lord of my life, I have been set apart by Christ to give an answer. And I should not care what people think, do or say about me, because I am testimony of the grace that Christ bestowed upon me. I need to give that answer, I need to put what they think aside! And honestly, it’s hard and tough!
Am I prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks?
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