Hello there to those reading this and greeting from Nawlins! My name is Roberto Sancho and this is my first time at New Orleans. Right now its Monday night and we just had a fun packed day. We woke up at 6 like the usual day and we had our breakfast and morning devos and set for our work. Our first job was on the Trinity Church grounds which was taking bottles and boxed toiletries to a different vacation and after that we set for our job at the Alamo. The Alamo was pretty much a beat down warehouse with various tools and supplies that needed some cleaning up and a little bit of demolition. During this time, various groups set for prayer walks where we met some of the great people of New Orleans. One person that our prayer group met was a young man and his mother on their front porch and they discussed with us their life in New Orleans before and after Katrina hit. To think that people who have been hit by such a tragedy looked happier than we do on a regular basis kept me in awe. After we finished our work, we set out for Castle Rock Community Church where we had dinner and then spent some time in silence. I read something in scripture that I have read in the past, but it struck me hard as an eye opener for this trip. Colossians 4:5 says 'Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity' and this hit me because I feel like I have been struggling with keeping a smile due to things happening back at home and I felt that the Lord was telling me to keep a smile because it shows to those around me. I spent the rest of the night in an utter bliss through this scripture and I felt like I was glorifying the Lord through this. This is my first mission trip ever and I must say that even so far, my life has been changed immensly and I know the Lord has much more in store for me and us down here.
God Is Good ALL THE TIME! All The Time GOD IS GOOD!
God Is Good ALL THE TIME! All The Time GOD IS GOOD!
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