Rain, Rain, Go Away
Come again some other day!
Okay, I woke up today and I really was excited because it was dark and bleak outside. So I did all the work in the morning and decided before I went to pick up Corey from school I would mail a letter at the post office. So as I headed out, I realized my earpiece wasn't working so I'm on a phone at a light. It's pouring rain and real windy and all of sudden this old lady came knocking at my car window. And I ignored her and the light turned green and I went forward. And then 5 seconds later I ended my call. And I felt this prompting from the Holy Spirit that I needed to give her a ride. So I made a u-turn and went back to pick her up.
Now I know this is a dangerous thing but I did it anyway. Sized her up if I could take her out of commission if I had to. I do know some karate and self defense moves. And then I deemed it was meant to be.
So stopped the car and called to her do you need a ride. And she smiled and said, "Oh, Yes Please". I asked her where to and she said to the Post office. And I laughed inside myself cause that is exactly where I was going. I told her to get in and she proceeded to tell me that the bus took off and her umbrella blew away. She was soaked and I was very happy that I decided to help her.
After I dropped her off and mailed my letters, I went to get a hazelnut coffee and I was very proud of myself that I helped someone who needed it. I was convicted by the times that I didn't stop to pick someone up. That I didn't turn around. The bottom line is that I can no longer ignore those promptings.
I feel I listened to the calling and practiced a scripture that I read and heard a week ago. In Matthew 25:45, Jesus says, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.'