Rain, Rain, Go Away
Come again some other day!
Okay, I woke up today and I really was excited because it was dark and bleak outside. So I did all the work in the morning and decided before I went to pick up Corey from school I would mail a letter at the post office. So as I headed out, I realized my earpiece wasn't working so I'm on a phone at a light. It's pouring rain and real windy and all of sudden this old lady came knocking at my car window. And I ignored her and the light turned green and I went forward. And then 5 seconds later I ended my call. And I felt this prompting from the Holy Spirit that I needed to give her a ride. So I made a u-turn and went back to pick her up.
Now I know this is a dangerous thing but I did it anyway. Sized her up if I could take her out of commission if I had to. I do know some karate and self defense moves. And then I deemed it was meant to be.
So stopped the car and called to her do you need a ride. And she smiled and said, "Oh, Yes Please". I asked her where to and she said to the Post office. And I laughed inside myself cause that is exactly where I was going. I told her to get in and she proceeded to tell me that the bus took off and her umbrella blew away. She was soaked and I was very happy that I decided to help her.
After I dropped her off and mailed my letters, I went to get a hazelnut coffee and I was very proud of myself that I helped someone who needed it. I was convicted by the times that I didn't stop to pick someone up. That I didn't turn around. The bottom line is that I can no longer ignore those promptings.
I feel I listened to the calling and practiced a scripture that I read and heard a week ago. In Matthew 25:45, Jesus says, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.'
1 comment:
It's good to see that you are back writing, Lori. I like this piece about helping someone in need, listening to the voice of the Lord. The piece on worship and music is great too. We all ought to be going deeper in our prayer and praise and relationship with Christ. Thanks for putting it into words and sharing it with your readers.
Peace and strength be yours as you move into this deeper place in your walk with the Lord.
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