Friday, May 28, 2010

To all that has been, THANKS!
To all that will be, YES!

Women's Ministry

To all that has been, THANKS!

Well, where do I begin.  Somewhere in this month I wanted to address the fact that I have with much trepidation and prayer felt that God has been moving me out of Women's Ministry.  So on May 10th at the Hope Business meeting I gave my last report and introduced the new Women's Ministry Director.  The last five years I have ate, slept and lived Women's Ministry.  I am so passionate about the need for Women's ministry but for me it was an end of a season in my life.  God has led me through a wonderful season in my life.  And I am most thankful and grateful for this season.

So for the last few weeks now, cards have been trickling in from different women that I have shared my life and passion for God with.  And the words that I keep hearing over and over again, "Many, many women have been touched by you."  These words have been the most encouraging because I really never knew the effects of my ministry while doing it.  I just kept on leaning on the Lord to help me with a ministry that was so hard, painful sometimes and I was so clueless sometimes.  But He in unfailing love continued to grow me to really feeling like this ministry was so me.  I SAY THANKS!

Mostly I have to admit.  That being a part of Gods ministry and investing time in many many women has changed me more.  I see the big picture now and how the Lord wants me to continue the many things I was doing but just not in the context of being the Women's Ministry Director.  The lessons I learned along the way were life changing.  I SAY THANKS!

To All that will be, I SAY YES!

Right now I'm saying yes to rest and focusing more on HIM and my family.  I'm saying no to things now that I usually don't.  These things that I am saying no to are all good things but maybe not the thing He wants for me.  I am seeking Him for the things that will be next in my life!  I want His total leading in the things that will be.   I'm headed for surgery in a couple of weeks,  I don't know what the results will bring but I do know one thing, it will be more rest and a time for me to do a lot of reading in which I love to do.  Also it will be a time of journaling, blogging and fun stuff.  
To This I say Yes!
And again To all that will be, I SAY YES!


GailNHB said...
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GailNHB said...

Good for you, Lori. Sometimes the very best thing to do is nothing at all! Enjoy your time of rest and refreshment after your surgery. Read and journal and pray and wait on the Lord. He will meet you and heal you and strengthen you for all that is yet to come - everything to which you will soon say, "Yes."

I have also tendered my resignation to the main ministry I was involved in at our church: translating in the Spanish congregation. After 7 1/2 years, it is time for me to rest as well. May we both be renewed and ready for new adventures before long.

I'll be praying that your surgery and its outcome are far less complex and complicated than you can ask or imagine. Our God is certainly able.