Saturday, May 10, 2008

Never forget who you are!!!!!

In the never forget who you are scenario, comes two questions. Who am I? And what am I doing? These questions are haunting me today. It’s not like I don’t know who I am. But really who am I. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter a friend. But really who am I? I am an ambassador for Christ. But really who am I? I am a daughter of the King, born with passions and desires and dreams. I am a new creation. I am created in the image of an eternal God who is so awesome. But really who am I?

What are you doing? Sometimes I don’t even know. But really what are you doing? Making a difference for the kingdom I hope. But really what are you doing? Encouraging everyone I come in contact with to walk in faith. But really what are you doing? Passionately worshiping my creator with everything I have. But really what are you doing? I am losing a bit of myself each day to serve Him everyday of my life. So have I forgotten who I am? Have you forgotten who you are?

Sometimes we really do forget who we are. I recently heard a story in sermon that I was listening to, of a Rabbi who was up in the Russian area. He was so discouraged with his life doubting his faith and call. On one chilly evening he walked out of his house very discontent and disheartened. There was a chill in the air but not worse than the chill that was in his own soul. He was so discouraged that he inadvertently walked into a Russian compound that was off limits to civilians. And the still of the night was broken by the brash yell of a Russian soldier yelling. Who are you and what are you doing? As the Rabbi came to his senses he said “Excuse Me”. The Russian soldier then repeated himself and said, “Who are you and what are you doing here? The Rabbi replied, “How much do they pay you to do this.” And the soldier then said, “What in the world does this have to do with anything. And the Rabbi answered “because I would be willing to pay you the same sum to ask me those two questions everyday of my life. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

I want to be that Russian soldier and ask myself every morning, “Who am I? What am I doing here, today?” I know I have to remind myself that everyday. I think it really helps to do so. I want to ask you who are reading this today, “Who are you? What are you doing here today?” Because each of has gifts, passions and dreams to fulfill that God wants us to. So if you are a bit discouraged today and there is a chill in your soul, know that God has created you for a purpose. You are not here by chance. So I ask you one more time, “Who are you and what are you doing?

1 comment:

GailNHB said...

Excellent post. Excellent questions, Lori. Much to ponder here. Thanks for the challenge.