(for every season)

Is time important? Is there a time for everything in life? What time is in my life now? What Season am I in now? What seasons have I been through? Besides Baseball, Football and Basketball?
My theories are many on Seasons. I guess I would be somewhat of an expert on the 4 Seasons. Considering I've been through many Seasons spiritually and physically. Oh and to contemplate these and write about them are somewhat a mixed blessing.
So here goes my take. Fall has been amazing in my life. It's one of my favorite seasons. I wish I got married in the fall. In October. It would have been awesome. If I did, it would have been the one time I actually listened to Bill. (nah, just kidding) It's a time for gathering, preparation. I love the colors of fall. I love the newness of things for me. At this point in my life a new Bible Study usually. The kids have new teachers. The squirrels are invading my world more frequently and dropping nuts on my car.
Winter is bleak, barren, nothing grows. I remember all the stagnant years of my life. Where mentally and physically and spiritually I had been clueless. Nothing was happening. I remember loosing that first love. It was winter. I hate going through winter but I realize we have to. The benefits of winter are few for me, but I do like snuggling down with some hot tea or coffee. But when I do I begin to ponder and think about the how bleak and dreary life can get.
Spring is too busy for me, that is my crazy season. Yes I am a nut job. Ah but the sun is finally out and winter is over. That is what I like most about spring. I'm finally renewed, getting it. Breathing. It was always the hardest for me to be inside especially when I was at school.
Summer is rest for the busy season in my life. But not really, that's when I fill my life up with as many activities that I can do in the nice weather. It's when I do what I call my secular reading. Yes I enjoy books in the summer that are not too Christian. Summer is when I go to Belize and catch up with my friends there.
There is a another season in my life, it's called "Now". I realize that right now, I wont ever be able to go back to that now. It's over forever. I realize though there are 4 physical seasons there really is many other seasons that happen in our Time Span of life. And at one point it was "Now" but not anymore. Oh how I savor the nows, and the yesterdays and the yesteryears but I look forward to many more nows and many more years and what God and His agenda for my future has in store for me.
1 comment:
A very nice piece, Lori, on the seasons. Much to ponder and consider in my own life. Thanks for your thoughts and for the challenge to consider the seasons of my life as well.
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