Monday, February 16, 2009

32 questions I just answered without Tagging anyone. (LOL)

1. Was I NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, my middle name is Stephanie named after my Grandmother on my Dads side. All the ladies got her name.

2. THE LAST TIME I CRIED? Sunday Night, really and honestly I do cry everyday sometimes. I just haven't yet today but there is still time.

3. DO I LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? NO It borders on me being psychotic or being a serial killer.

4. My FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Turkey, (not processed)

5. DO I have KIDS? Yes! Too Many, 3 boys and a girl and a grandson, Heck Birth control should have been mandatory in my state.

6. IF I WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD I BE FRIENDS WITH ME? Yes, Im loyal and trustworthy. I am funny. I can talk a lot, if I had me who else would I need.

7. DO I USE SARCASM? I confess I did but not as much anymore, because I was told by a teacher that “Sarcasm hurts the flesh” And I also lost a friend in College with my sarcasm. But when I get rolling I can tear a person a part with my sarcasm.

8. WOULD I BUNGEE JUMP? Nope, I have no desire to. Who wants to go up and down on an elastic band.

9. DO I UNTIE MY SHOES WHEN I TAKE THEM OFF? Depends, on if I feel like it or not.

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Hagen daz any flavor

11. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING I NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Their eyes, that tells me a lot. I like people to look at me in the eye when they talk to me.

12. RED OR PINK? Neither I hate both, how about blue

13. WHAT IS my LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT mySELF? Too many flaws if I write them, it will depress me for the rest of the day and I refuse to be depressed.

14. WHO DO I MISS THE MOST? My friends Chip and Julie from Col

15. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES Am I WEARING? Blue jeans, and bare feet right now and I know that’s has been how some of you had met me.

16. WHAT AM I LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Just quiet, pure quiet.

17. IF I WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD I BE? If I were a crayon, I wouldn't be typing this blog right now. I would probably be a Broken Blue crayon.

18. FAVORITE SMELLS? Hazelnut coffee.

19. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Bill, There is not a day that goes by when he does not call me from work. He is my best buddy.


21. FAVORITE FOOD? Anything fondue

22. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings... I Love a HAPPY ending Hallmark movies always have happy endings... SCary movies leave me thinking. A really good movie according to me is if I cried!

23. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? One of those Hallmark movies with a good friend.

24. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? My Walktoberfest walk for Diabetes shirt.

25. SUMMER OR WINTER? SUMMER! Neither, Im a fall girl

26. HUGS OR KISSES? Depends on who. Hugs are safe

27. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Terrify no more By Gary A. Haugen IJO

28. FAVORITE SOUND(S)? Any type of musical instrument played well

29. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Beatles, hands down


31. DO YOU I HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Many but I Sing and play air guitar and air drums all the time.

32. WHERE Was I BORN? In a cloud, not one picture of me.

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