One line "Im desperate for changing
starving for the truth." Oh Lord
I am so surrendering to the changes you
want in me.
I am "Starving for truth" I seek you everyday for truth and
you always give just enough I can handle. Thank you for that. Another line I love is "I'm closer to the where I started" In this fantastic healing journey that I have taken on I am closer to the truth. But in this journey, "I'm chasing after you", and "I am falling even more in love with you" Thank you. Again along with truth, you put your arms around me and help me embrace it thank you. Another line is
"Completely Incomplete" Oh how true that is, complete me Lord even more than I am now. Cause sometimes I feel Incomplete. Like there is a piece of me hanging on so I can't see what you want me to.
And one line that I am completely doing and continuing to do is
"Letting go of all I hung onto" Everyday I'm letting go realizing that it doesn't help to hold on to things. And for whatever reasons that I have held on to things let go has been so Freeing and so Exhilerating. And I am hanging on this Moment. Thank you Lord. And so my questions is
What are you hanging on to?
And Lori, what am I still hanging on to?
And listen to the Song and the lyrics and what needs changing?