Thankful on Thanksgiving

1 Behold, bless the LORD, all (servants of the LORD,
Who serve by night in the house of the LORD!
2 Lift up your hands to the sanctuary And bless the LORD.
3May the LORD bless you from Zion,
He who made heaven and earth.
All I can say as this day has approached I have been blessed. Blessed in so many ways.
Blessed with family and friends. Blessed with a wonderful pastor and his wife and blessed with a wonderful church. Totally awesome.
I have so many other things to be thankful for. I was thankful that I started out my day singing praises to God. I am thankful that I can sing. I am thankful that my family entertains me with there lovely melodies. I am thankful that we can use music to praise and worship God.
Mostly I'm thankful that I started my day off in the Sanctury praising Him. Oh Lord I blessed you today and you have blessed me today. I get that.
In this Psalm we are called to bless the Lord. And we cannot help but bless Him because He is worthy of our praise. With all He had done for us but mostly for His Grace and Mercy and most importantly His Unfailing Love. Lord I so wanted to bless you today with all my being. I think I did by honoring you this morning. I love you so.
And you continue to bless me in my life and in my spiritual life. Not that the two are separated but contained in one life.
I am most thankful for speaking so clearly to me in this season of life when I need to hear you more.
My question is What are you Thankful for ? REALLY?
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