Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? Matt. 6:26

I don't know, I've been learning alot about myself lately.

These are my bird friends I met down in Florida. Now before you cast me off as some lunitic who befriends birds on vacation. Just hear me out. This was taken at Universal Studio's. I found it to be strange that as I got closer they didn't fly away. They were pecking away at the morsels of droppings on the ground. Wow, what a concept. I thought. It was like this place was a banquet and not even the big, bad human can chase them away.

But as I look back on this picture as I seem to be looking back on a lot of things lately. I marvel on how much God takes care of these birds. And then I marveled on how much God has taken care of me and has had his hand on past, present and will continue to have His hand on my life into the future.

I am worth so much more than these little birdies. He so loves me! I believe that. I do. But sometimes I get disappointed. And sometimes I feel like He is disapointed in me. But he still loves me.

What I was thinking lately about is the deep trauma's of these birds in their birdie life. I don't know where they came from but who knows, maybe they had a brother or sister or two and as they were flying to this random destination maybe one flew into a window. Or maybe another bird ate the birdies siblings up. Maybe they were nesting somewhere and mom and dad birdie fell out. Maybe they lost there little baby birdies or maybe they are not connected at all. Maybe they are bad birdies. Maybe they really aren't birds at all and I'm just hallucinating. No matter how you look at these two birds they have a story to tell. They have memories. They have had close encounters with death and with trauma. The have encountered hurt in their birdie life. And God cares for them!

My point is we all do. I'm learning about my life, eager to find out why I do the things I do! Why I fly like the birds to some random destinations in my thoughts and in real life. Sometime I am reliving the hurts of my past. Wishing that I can have some of those moments back. Wishing I could have made different choices. Wishing I really knew who I was and getting over where I came from. And looking forward to discovering it. Maybe, Maybe it will be on day on a random day when my life and the birdies life will intersect again. And it probably won't even be the same Birdies. But it will be the same me secretly hoping it will be the real me! Back again and vibrant, embracing life the way it should be embraced.

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