Thursday, December 31, 2009

From Durham North Carolina

So this is my last blog entry of 2009, writing it from the Hilton in Durham. We arrived I don't even know because I am in the midst of the stomach bug. Spent the whole day in (no need to describe it) But here are some thoughts as I close this year.
1. I made the world a better place by participating in acts of kindness.
2. I loved and served God with all my heart and soul and mind when I was in focus with the least distractions. Was I perfect, heck no, but my heart was there.
3. I influenced others for the positive.
4. Spoke less,Listened more
5. Blogged more than ever this year, journaled less.
6. Had major quality time with my family and good friends. Love them all.
7. Mended any fences that I needed to and still have a few more.
8. Gave my Husband 100% and my Husband gave me 100%
9. Read some crazy, some good, and some thought provoking books.
10 And my favorite and only dog Cooper was loyal to me. He loves me unconditionally. At least I think.
11. I went into Christmas 2009 with great expectations of something magical happening and guess what, nothing magical happened. But what did happen was the realization for me of God's power in sending Christ to live among us. Yes I know the story, backwards, frontwards and sideways. But I never meditated and realized the power. Totally Awesome.

12 The End
Not really, God has been tugging away at my heart, changing me. I think differently now. I can't imagine doing life any other way even sitting here being sick now, without God. I can't get by one single minute, second without HIM.
As I rode up in the elevator earlier today, to rush to my room to get this bug out of system. I tearfully wept to my husband, "It's going to be a Charlie Brown New Year" And then we looked each other and laughed. And then Bill said, It's going to be alright. And I'm sure it will be. Blessings to all who read this and a very Happy New Year but hopefully you make 2010 about your relationship with God.

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